where does the time go?
Where does the time go, that is a deep question.
If in the course of nature nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed, time should not be lost; it should either transform or stay the same.
It doesn't really stay the same but it doesn't transform either, does it?
It is not matter, so I guess the rule doesn't apply...
It exists, however!
So it either is not a part of Nature, OR, Nature is not only matter.
Now, even if evolution were true to matter, how could evolution create something that is not material?
It's interesting: if you think of it, time is not really something bigger than all Creation... it is a feature of all Creation.
Outside of Creation, time doesn't exist, because eternity is not a form of time, it is the absence of time.
When God created the world, he did it in a period of time. But He is eternal, so we see that He limited Himself to time while He was Creating. This means He limited Himself to this reality in order to create it - although the only aspect of this creation we know He limited Himself to is time. So if time is a characteristic of Creation, at what point did God create it? Did the fact that God created everyting within a certain period of time become the creation of time itself?
And, since we have a reference of 6 days, why did God create things while limiting Himself by time, but not by matter? What makes time different? Is it because time is abstract? Or is it, really?
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