Here I Am

by - 10:26

Há muito tempo que nao digo nada. Mas gostava de escrever algo que escrevi ontem (27-1-2011). Estava num lugar ridiculamete pouco sofisticado mas adorei lá estar. Um canto qualquer na minha escola. Peço desculpa aos que não sabem ler inglês, o facto de estar nessa mesma língua, mas foi assim que escrevi originalmete, por isso não irei alterar isso. Se não sabem perguntem a alguém por perto, ou vão ao Google Tradutor []. Pronto...

Here I Am

I like to come here and think. Think about life, about people... Think about anything that comes to my head. I like to think about the fact of missing someone, and to think about the way that it turns my head upside-down. And I like to imagine that the someone I miss is here, right here with me, hugging me. I like to watch the birds flying and singing in their own world. They're so obedient to God, and so happy. I wish I could fly. Feel closer to God, closer to the someone I miss. I like to watch the trees. Everyday they get a tittle bit bigger. I like to watch people, walking in the streets. They look so free and calm... I wish they were like that. But they also look so far away from this feeling of missing someone... Who knows if they are?... Who knows if they're not?... But still, I keep obedient to God. At least I try my hard to. This is the way that I have to keep happy in the middle of all this. All these missing people in my life and all these blind hopes. So here I am.

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